
Useful Spanish Travel Phrases For Costa Rica

Road signs in Spanish

You hardly need to be fluent in Spanish to be a tourist in Costa Rica, but making an effort to learn useful Spanish phrases for conversation will certainly come in handy, or at least earn you brownie points with the locals!

Weโ€™ll start you off with the most important phrase, one thatโ€™ll be greeted with a smile across the country: ยกPura Vida! โ€” this phrase is basically the national motto and literally translates to โ€œpure life.โ€ It can also be used to simply mean โ€œexcellent.โ€

The Basics

If you learn nothing else, at least learn these simple Spanish travel phrases.

English Spanish
Yes Sรญ
No No
Hello Hola (oh-la)
Goodbye Adiรณs
Goodbye Adiรณs
Please Por favor
Thank you Gracias
Good morning Buenos dรญas
Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good evening/good night Buenas noches (bwe-nas no-ches)
Do you speak English? ยฟHabla inglรฉs? (ah-blah een-gles)
My name is… Me llamo…


You never know when you might take a wrong turn. These are useful Spanish phrases for conversation when youโ€™re trying to get from place to place.

Where is the bathroom? ยฟDรณnde estรก el baรฑo?
Iโ€™m lost. Could you please help me? Estoy perdida. ยฟMe podrรญa ayudar, por favor?
Right La derecha
Left La izquierda
Bus station La estaciรณn de buses
Train station La estaciรณn de tren
Ferry La balsa (Or simply โ€œel ferryโ€)
Ticket (for the bus, ferry, etc) El tiquete (Note: in Latin America, a ticket is โ€œel boleto,โ€ and in Spain, itโ€™s โ€œel billeteโ€ or โ€el tique.โ€ Central America uses โ€œel tiqueteโ€ but they will likely understand the other phrases.)
Taxi Taxi
Stop here Pare aquรญ


In addition to these Spanish travel phrases for shopping, brush up on your numbers so you know what price theyโ€™re giving you!

Open Abierto
Closed Cerrado
Supermarket El supermercado
How much is it?/How much does it cost? ยฟCuรกnto vale? (kwan-toh ba-leh)
Can I pay with a card? ยฟPuedo pagar con tarjeta? (Pwe-doh pa-gahr cohn tar-heh-tah)
Do you take dollars? ยฟAceptan dรณlares? (Ah-sep-tahn doh-lah-rays)
Do you haveโ€ฆ? ยฟTieneโ€ฆ? Use this if youโ€™re looking for something specific (e.g., ยฟTiene agua?)


Most waiters will know basic English to serve you, but it helps to know some useful Spanish phrases for conversation on the off chance that they donโ€™t.

What would you like to drink? ยฟPara tomar?
May I see the menu? ยฟPuedo ver el menรบ?
Thanks for the good service Gracias por el excelente servicio
I would like… Yo quisiera or me gustarรญaโ€ฆ (Note: Avoid saying โ€œyo quieroโ€ because it doesnโ€™t sound as polite.)
The bill, please La cuenta, por favor


If you have allergies or preferences for some basic ingredients, itโ€™s helpful to know some basic foods to read the menu.

Water El agua
Chicken El pollo
Beef La carne de vaca
Pork El cerdo
Fish El pescado (Note: The animal is โ€œel pezโ€ while the food is โ€œel pescado.โ€)
Vegetarian Vegetariano (male)
Vegetariana (female)
Beer La cerveza
Wine El vino
Coffee with milk or black? ยฟCafรฉ con leche o negro?
Rice El arroz
Beans El frijol
Soup La sopa

Did you notice any Spanish travel phrases missing from our list that youโ€™d like to add? Contact us to let us know!

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