


The Elements of a Perfect Costa Rica Vacation

Feet standing on a boardwalk over lush, green jungle view

Securing a beach front house that takes care of your creature comforts is the first step of planning an unforgettable tropical adventure. Here, we’ll explain the elements of a perfect Costa Rica vacation to help you plan a getaway that you’ll treasure for life. Choose the Right Time to Go Costa Rica enjoys a tropical

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4 Cool Things You’ll See While Staying at Casa Teresa

A scarlet macaw in the rainforest.

A vacation in Central America is a chance to see all kinds of wonders that you would never be able to see at home. For lovers of nature and architecture alike, Santa Teresa and the Nicoya Peninsula are truly a feast for the eyes and the soul. Discover four cool things you’ll see while staying

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2021: 5 Reasons For a Tropical Vacation in the New Year

man sitting in partially underwater tables at bright blue beach

You don’t need an excuse to want to go on a tropical vacation or stay at an oceanfront villa, but 2021 has plenty of them. If you’re considering how best to treat yourself once travel restrictions lift, we’ve compiled a list of our top five reasons you deserve a tropical vacation this year at Casa

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Costa Rica Souvenirs: Bring Home These Meaningful Treasures

blue sky over beach with palm trees and beachgoers in the distance

With the plethora of souvenir shops across Costa Rica overwhelming you with choices, it might be hard to sort out what’s truly authentic and find a gift you won’t find anywhere else. We’ve compiled our favorite Costa Rica culture, rainforest, and beach souvenirs so you don’t have to stress about gifts while you’re enjoying the

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